IMA World Maintenance Forum 2019

World Maintenance Forum 2019

The International Maintenance Association (IMA) with great pleasure invites your esteemed organization to participate in the

“World Maintenance Forum 2019”

Under the theme

“First Global Meeting of Maintenance Societies”
A Worldwide Overview of Current Practice of Maintenance Training and Education

The conference will be held at The Convention Center (Palazzo Dei Congressi), Lugano, Switzerland on 30 - 31 Oct 2019.

The International Maintenance Association (IMA) is a worldwide organization comprising members of 30 countries on five major continents particularly with members from North America, South America, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, the Far East, and Europe. Members include researchers, senior managers, and Subject Matter Experts, in maintenance industry, specialists, curriculum developers, and trainers in different field. This cluster aims to enhance the physical assets maintenance management.

The IMA vision is “Global Platform for Knowledge Exchange of Effective Maintenance Practices and Management.

The IMA has chosen the 2019 conference theme after conducting a survey among a committee of many subject matter experts, Maintenance specialists, and academics from different parts of the globe.

This specialized COMMITTEE is working on this theme and preparing a study on “Worldwide Overview of Current Practice of Maintenance Education and Training (ME&T)” in order to find out what are theshortcomings within ME&T in order to reach the BEST formula of (MT&E) globally and make it as a guideline at international level to help local and regional organizations/ associations to plan and strategically develop their Maintenance Training and education plans. This is also to make best value in Budgeting, Maintenance planning & scheduling and maintenance optimization.

The study is being conducted by a co-operative team of International Experts to assess the CURRENT approaches to the Education, Training and Apprenticeships of those involved in the maintenance activities.

The study implemented a scan of global training literature. The scan benchmarked that training literature against pre-described best practice, conducted a gap analysis for each identified product, and recommended a desired maintenance practice competency set and supporting training program.

A REPORT of the study and the findings are subjected to review and debate by international O&M experts from Maintenance Societies worldwide during the IMA World Maintenance Forum 2019. Detailed workshops about the conference will be also offered during the conference period and these workshops will soon be announced.

Conference attendees (Maintenance Societies, Institutes, and Organizations) will benefit free registration for maximum two (2) attendees of each. Any society, organization, etc.)  Wishes to have extra number of attendees will have to pay the registrations fee for the extra attendees (€500 per person).

A link to Sponsorship and Registration form is attached for your attention. The concept notes and Draft agenda will be sent to you at a later stage and will also be posted on the International Maintenance Association official website (www.ima-world.org).

Sponsorship Registration

Maintenance Societies can RSVP free no later than 31 August 2019 by filling the Online Registration Form or visiting our website www.ima-world.org  

Registration fees for application received after 31 August 2019 is subjected to charge € 500 per person.

For more information, please contact:

Technical Committee Director
Email: tcd@ima-world.org
Phone: (41) 91 225 87 13

World Maintenance Forum 2019

Datum zahájení


V případě potřeby nás neváhejte kontaktovat
Česká společnost pro údržbu, z.s.

Areál České zemědělské univerzity v Praze, Technická fakulta
Kamýcká 872
165 00 Praha - Suchdol
IČO: 70101191
DIČ: CZ70101191

Ing. Jan Hroch
Výkonný ředitel

Ing. Jan Hroch
+420 732 385 196

prof. Ing. Martin Pexa, Ph.D.

prof. Ing. Martin Pexa, Ph.D.
tel.: +420 606 322 732

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